Généalogie >> Ordre Passériformes >> Famille Coerébidés
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Saint Martin Island, Lesser Antilles
West Indies


Marque Nikon D2X
Objectif Nikkor AF VR 80-400 mm f/4.5-5.6D   at 270 mm
Exposition 1/400, f/13.0, ISO 250 
Taille de l'image 800 x 533 pixels


Deutsch  Zuckervogel Dutch  Suikerdiefje
Italian  Bananero Spanish  Mielero


The bananaquit (Coereba flaveola) is a species of passereau of uncertain relation. It is tentatively placed in the tanager family, but classified as incertae sedis by other authorities such as the American Ornithologists' Union . Its classification is debated, and it is often placed in its own family: Coerebidae. It has recently been suggested the bananaquit should be split into three species, but this has yet to receive widespread recognition. This small, active nectarivore is found in warmer parts of the Americas, and is generally common.


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Coereba flaveola